What is the "P Shot?"

The P Shot treatment is a quick and relatively painless procedure that can be completed in under an hour. The P shot treatment protocol involves a blood draw, after which the sample is processed to concentrate the growth factors in platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. Local anesthetic is administered to make the treatment comfortable, after which a series of injections are performed along the shaft and glans of the penis, which takes only about five minutes to complete. The growth factors in the PRP work to increase blood flow to the penis for better erections and enhanced sexual sensation and can trigger natural tissue growth.

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What can the P shot do for my sexual performance?

P shot treatments have a wide-ranging impact on male sexual health, with the following results:

  • Enhanced sex drive
  • Enhanced sensitivity and sexual pleasure
  • Increased penile firmness
  • Increased blood flow
  • Increased penis length and girth

What is it like to have the P shot?

The P Shot is a fast, effective procedure that is reasonably easy to experience, with the injections requiring only a few minutes to complete. As the area is numbed with a local anesthetic before the injections, discomfort is minimal. After the injections, patients must avoid any sexual activity for at least 24 hours to allow the PRP to become fully integrated into the penile tissue.

What is the recovery after the P shot?

It is normal to experience mild swelling or bruising at each injection site on the penis, which fades within a few days following the treatment. For the first day or two after treatment, patients must avoid vigorous exercise or activities that could cause excessive sweating.

How long does it take for the P shot to work?

The initial improvements in sexual health and performance become noticeable after a few weeks from the first treatment. The changes in libido and erection strength continue to improve with time, with peak sexual performance, sensation, and sustained erections at three to four months. Some patients will enjoy the results much sooner. Many patients also notice an increase in penis length and girth due to the tissue regeneration triggered by the PRP.

How long will the results last?

The results of the P Shot treatment can last as long as  12 to 18 months, after which another series of injections can be performed. At Arch Medical Group, we take a 100% customized approach to every treatment. The number of treatments required to achieve the desired results will reflect the patient's individual condition.

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Does the P Shot resolve erectile dysfunction?

Every patient with ED has a unique condition. The P shot may be the only treatment needed to restore the strength and duration of an erection, or it may be one facet of a more comprehensive treatment. A recent clinical trial confirmed the efficacy of the P shot, giving men who suffer from this condition new hope – with results that last, without concerns about side effects.

Why choose Arch Medical Group to treat erectile dysfunction?

At Arch Medical Group, our physicians focus on treating the root cause of ED rather than masking symptoms. Our in-depth, patient-focused approach is geared to enhance male sexual performance, libido, and sensation without side effects with long-lasting results. Our doctors have more than four decades of experience and have treated thousands of patients with advanced treatments for ED, including testosterone therapy, P-shot, and shockwave therapy. We take a whole-body approach to male sexual health and offer the highest level of personalized care. Our medical team offers personalized care, with compassionate care, allowing our patients to feel relaxed and tension free.

The vision of the team at Arch Medical Group is "Heal and restore." Men who struggle with reduced sex drive and sensation and are unable to sustain an erection are experiencing life-changing results with this treatment.

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