What is whole-body vibration?

Whole-body vibration (WBV) is a therapy that involves standing, sitting, or lying on a specialized device which, when activated, vibrates at a high frequency. The vibrations are transmitted through the body, causing the muscles to contract and relax rapidly throughout the treatment. This therapy can improve muscle strength, flexibility, and balance, reduce pain, and improve circulation -- a fundamental in natural healing.

What can whole-body vibration treat?

Whole-body vibration can significantly improve various body conditions, including:

  • Muscle weakness and atrophy: WBV has been shown to improve muscle strength and size in people with conditions that cause muscle weakness and atrophy, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and stroke.
  • Osteoporosis: WBV may help improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures in individuals with osteoporosis.
  • Chronic pain: Some studies have found that WBV can reduce pain in individuals with conditions such as fibromyalgia, low back pain, and knee osteoarthritis.
  • Balance and mobility: WBV has been shown to improve balance and mobility in older adults and individuals with neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and stroke.
  • Obesity and metabolic disorders: Some studies suggest that WBV may help improve body composition, insulin sensitivity, and other metabolic markers in individuals with obesity and metabolic disorders.
  • Arthritis: The increased blood flow can help reduce the pain associated with arthritis.
  • Balance issues: Patients suffering from balance issues have experience improvements with WBV.
  • Carpal tunnel: Reducing inflammation and swelling through triggering increased blood flow can be an aspect of a successful, non-surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Erectile dysfunction: For many men, ED is the result of poor circulation, and WBV works to increase blood flow and circulation.
  • Peripheral neuropathy: Patients who suffer from peripheral neuropathy can experience pain alleviation with whole-body vibration treatments.
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What is the treatment experience with WBV?

During a whole-body vibration therapy session, the patients will feel a tingling or buzzing sensation throughout the body. Many describe the sensation as pleasant, while others find it mildly uncomfortable The intensity of the vibrations can be adjusted based on your reaction to the treatment. The treatment can be from 5 to 20 minutes, or longer, based on the goal of the therapy, and the condition being addressed. Typically, patients find this treatment easy to tolerate.

What is the recovery time after whole-body vibration therapy?

Whole-body vibration therapy does not involve any recovery time. Some patients may experience soreness or muscle fatigue, which is usually minor and fades quickly. After treatment, many patients report they feel relaxed, energized, and invigorated following a session. The rapid muscle contractions and relaxations work to squeeze and release the blood vessels, while increasing the demand for oxygen and nutrients, stimulating increased blood flow and circulation.

Why choose Arch Medical Group?

Arch Medical Group is a unique practice, where the medical team focuses on treating the root cause of chronic health conditions, not just masking symptoms. The physicians take an in-depth, patient-focused approach, which has led to long-term health improvements without side effects, with exceptional outcomes achieved for over 15 years at our locations in Florida. Our doctors have more than four decades of experience successfully treating patients with chronic health conditions. The vision of our practice is “Heal and restore." Our entire team is dedicated to delivering the highest quality services to help patients achieve optimum health, and live life feeling their best.


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