What is PRP, and how is it used?

PRP has long been used for wound healing, but in recent years has been found to be an effective treatment for a range of physical conditions. Research reveals that PRP therapy has been successful in treating tendonitis, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and chronic pain.

How does PRP work?

PRP works by sending a concentration of natural growth factors into an injured area of the body, whether joint, muscle, or tendon. The growth factors trigger the body’s natural healing response while promoting new tissue growth and reducing inflammation. Rather than masking chronic pain with medications with side effects, PRP injections act to regenerate the injured or damaged body area.

What can PRP injections treat?

This versatile treatment has brought countless patients real-world relief from various painful conditions, including:

  • Osteoarthritis: PRP therapy is a non-invasive treatment for osteoarthritis, which can relieve joint pain and stiffness.
  • Tendinitis: PRP therapy has been used to treat tendinitis, which is inflammation of the tendons.
  • Torn ligaments: PRP injections are an effective way to accelerate healing in torn ligaments.
  • Sports injuries: PRP therapy has been used to treat sports injuries such as sprains, strains, and ligament tears.
  • Slow-healing wounds: PRP therapy has been used to treat chronic wounds that are slow to heal.
  • Post-surgical repair: PRP injections can speed tissue repair and healing after surgery.
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What is the treatment experience?

When under the care of the doctors at Arch Medical Group, the first step is a full health assessment and an in-depth conversation to understand how the symptoms are affecting the quality of life. All treatments at Arch Medical Group are customized for the individual patient and focused on addressing the cause rather than just treating symptoms. The treatment is not difficult to experience and goes through these steps:

  • Blood is drawn from the arm, similar to a routine blood test.
  • The blood is then placed in a centrifuge, which spins the blood at high speed to separate the platelets from other blood components.
  • The concentrated platelets are then extracted and mixed with a small amount of the patient’s plasma to create a solution that is rich in growth factors.
  • The PRP solution is then injected into the affected area, such as a joint or tendon, using a thin needle.
  • The growth factors in the PRP solution stimulate the body’s natural healing process, promoting the growth of new tissue and reducing inflammation.

PRP treatments take about one hour to complete.

Man after PRP injections in Glendale

Why choose Arch Medical Group for PRP?

At Arch Medical Group, our goal is to treat and resolve the root cause of chronic health conditions, not just masking the symptoms. Our in-depth, patient-focused approach has resulted in long-term health improvements without side effects. Our medical team has achieved exceptional outcomes for over 15 years serving patients at our locations in Florida.

Our medical team has more than four decades of experience treating patients suffering from chronic or acute pain. We take a whole-body approach to health. All treatments are patient-focused, offering the highest level of personalized care. Our first concern is the needs of the patient. We listen to their complaints and work closely with them with open, caring communication, performing the ideal therapies to enhance overall health.

Recovery after PRP injections

The recovery after PRP injections will vary, based on the condition being treated, but generally includes the following steps:


After a PRP injection, it is important to take it easy for a few days to allow the body to heal. This may involve avoiding strenuous activity or heavy lifting.


Applying ice to the affected area can help to reduce swelling and discomfort after a PRP injection.

Pain management

Patients may be prescribed pain medication or anti-inflammatory medication to manage any discomfort after a PRP injection.

Follow-up appointments

Patients will typically have a follow-up appointment to monitor progress and determine if additional treatments are needed.

Gradual return to activity

Patients may gradually return to normal activities as their symptoms fade. It is advised to continue avoiding overexertion or activities that may aggravate the affected area.

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Our mission at Arch Medical Group: “Heal and restore.”

The vision of our practice is “Heal and restore.” Our entire team is dedicated to delivering the highest quality services to help patients achieve optimum health, feeling their best. We are committed to restoring the health of our patients with excellent services that promote recovery and are both safe and reliable. We believe that true health comes from getting to the root of the problem, not just treating the symptoms.

We recognize every patient is unique, and the solution to their health problem must be customized to achieve the best result. Our comprehensive treatment plans utilize the latest technologies to relieve pain and help the body heal itself. We want to help you live your best life.

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