Erectile dysfunction, or “ED,” affects millions of men, with a heavy impact on self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. At our Florida locations of Arch Medical Group, we have made treating ED a specialty and offer groundbreaking, safe, effective treatments for men experiencing this condition, including shockwave therapy.

How does shockwave therapy treat ED?

For many men, the underlying cause of the inability to sustain an erection is related to reduced blood flow to the penis. This condition can arise as a man ages and can be associated with excess weight, a side effect of medications, or a vascular condition. Shockwave therapy involves delivering specialized soundwave energy to the penis to stimulate the natural development of new, healthy blood vessels to restore biological function.

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How does shockwave therapy work?

Shockwave therapy for ED is designed to restore the mechanism behind healthy erections by increasing blood vessel production and the function of existing vessels in the region. This treatment has been used in the medical field for many years to enhance healing after injuries to bones, joints, or ligaments and has been discovered to be highly effective as a treatment for ED.

The treatment triggers a natural process, “neovascularization,” the clinical term for developing new blood vessels. As one of the most common underlying causes of ED is lack of blood flow to the penis, the treatment is highly effective for men living with ED. Shockwave therapy may be the only treatment needed or may be just one facet of a more comprehensive ED treatment.

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What are the results of shockwave therapy for ED?  

Shockwave therapy can help men enjoy the following changes:

  • Longer-lasting erections
  • Natural treatment, medication-free
  • Easy to experience
  • Painless
  • No downtime
  • No surgery, incisions, or anesthesia

What is the shockwave therapy treatment like?

Shockwave therapy treatments for ED start with a numbing gel being applied to the penis. Once the area is numbed, the device is applied to the penis. The sensation is described as feeling like a light tapping or tingling sensation without any pain or discomfort. Next, the custom soundwaves are applied to specific areas of the penis with a wand-like device for about 15 minutes. For best results, two sessions a week for about six weeks have been found to be most effective. Recent studies have established a significant improvement in the strength and longevity of erections with shockwave therapy.

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Why choose Arch Medical Group to treat ED?

At Arch Medical Group, our physician team focuses on treating the root cause of ED rather than the symptoms. Every treatment we perform is safe, effective, and reliable. Our doctors are committed to restoring the health of our patients with advanced treatments. Every patient is unique, and the treatment for ED must be customized to achieve the most dramatic change in both ED and overall health. Our comprehensive treatment plans utilize the latest technologies to relieve pain and help the body heal itself. Our goal is to help men live their best lives and enjoy a rewarding sex life.


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